Cancellation Notice / Refund Policy You may cancel this transaction, without penalty or obligation, within three (3) business days after you purchase through this internet site and prior to delivery of the products. It is the sole responsibilty of the customer and Independent distributor to review this site including all policies before purchasing since these are International orders. Please submit your request for refund/cancellation to and state your Id number, name registered, and date of purchase. Your request will be processed immediately but due to International banking it could take up to 7 days for your bank to refund.
Purchases on the internet site may be paid debit card, money order, or major credit card. Once the purchase is made and product delivered the Independent Distributor may not charge back their credit card without written consent of the company. The Independent Sales Representative and customer are responsible for paying the costs of any charge back received without authorization plus an administrative fee charged by Company. Orders will not be processed if cancelation of a credit card is made. Orders for products are not effective until accepted by Company. To expedite shipping, Independent Sales Representatives may authorize Company to keep a valid credit card on file as security for payment. Placing an INTERNET order it is the responsibility of the Independent Distributor or customer to review and make sure he/she wishes to purchase the products.To return products you must obtain a return merchandise authorization (RMA) by submitting the form below and return the products within 7 days after you receive the RMA. Company will refund the original purchase price of products, and any related taxes. The Exception is for Promotional or Holiday Gift packages in which there is a NO REFUND Policy. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & HANDLING FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRODUCTS UNTIL Company RECEIVES THEM. YOU WILL BE CHARGED A RESTOCKING FEE OF 10% TO RETURN PRODUCTS. Returned products must be in the same condition as you received them. THIS RETURN POLICY IS NOT A WARRANTY.
All requested RMA must state the following ; a) A signed statement from the customer / Independent Distributor identifying the reason they wish to return; b) A copy of the original invoice for indentification of the transaction c) The name, address and telephone number and ID number of the customer / Independent Distributor as registered Independent Sales Representative request for refund may, at company's option, be treated as a termination of the Independent Sales Representativeship If you cancel within the 3 day period described above then any payments made by you under the contract or sale, and any instrument executed by you will be returned within ten (14) business days following receipt of your cancellation notice.
To cancel this transaction, mail , e-mail, or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Agreement and a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice to: Company
Address2 City, 000852
Hong Kong
Phone: 852-2251-8502 Email: No later than midnight three (3) business days after date of transaction.
Not later than Midnight of: ___________________ ,201__
(Date: 3 business days after date of order) I hereby cancel this transaction.
Applicant/Buyer's Signature: ___________________________________ This transaction is non-refundable after the above stated cancellation date. |